Working With Write-N-Cite for Windows v.2

(released August 2005)


Write-N-Cite is a utility that allows users (who meet the compatibility requirements below) to run an abbreviated version of RefWorks in their word processor. This version of RefWorks displays Author, Title, and Year Only, with a full view option available if needed.

With Write-N-Cite, you can cite references in a manuscript with the click of a button. The abbreviated version can be set to Always on top so that it stays in place as you are typing your manuscript and generating your bibliography. The utility installs a Write-N-Cite button on your desktop as well as an Add-in to your Word toolbar (Windows users only) and a menu option in Word, under Tools for launching Write-N-Cite.

There are two versions of Write-N-Cite.  

Information on Write-N-Cite for Windows v. 2 is listed below.  This version uses a two-document format (draft and final).

Click here for information on Write-N-Cite III for Windows.  This version features single document formatting, Word 2007 and MS VISTA compatibility.

Write-N-Cite v.2 for Windows Compatibility

Write-N-Cite v. 2 for Windows is compatible with the following applications

Click here to download Write-N-Cite v.2 or select Tools, Write-N-Cite from the RefWorks toolbar.

Using Write-N-Cite v.2 for Windows from Off-Site

For organizations not using the Group Code, but allowing users to access the RefWorks subscription through a proxy server, users must load the WNC Proxy Configuration Utility.

After running the utility, when you launch Write-N-Cite you will be directed to the organization's proxy server to login rather than going directly to RefWorks. For information on logging into the proxy and accessing RefWorks from within your organization's site, please contact your librarian.

 (For example only: http:// url=https:// Refworks/? WNC=true)

Note:  If you are using Innovative Interfaces 2005 LE Millennium Version, you must use this configuration: Refworks/? WNC=true

 4.  Click OK.


Getting Started with Write-N-Cite v.2

  1. When the login dialog box appears, enter your user name and password and click Login.

  2. Click the box next to Always on Top to keep Write-N-Cite on top of all other programs including Word. Also, notice that the name of the Word document that is active in RefWorks is written next to MS Word Status.

    Write-N-Cite provides only the essential items to allow more viewing area for your references. You can use the Search RefWorks feature and author hyperlinks to search through references. From the View menu you can select to view All references or view by Folder; you cannot create or edit folders. You can also sort the reference list by selecting a sort option from the Sort by list. To see the full reference, click the View link button.  You can also modify citations using the Citation Editor.

You may have the full version of RefWorks open at the same time you have Write-N-Cite open. If you make edits in RefWorks be sure to refresh Write-N-Cite (which you can do by changing the view) to reflect the edits.


Citing References

Editing Citations

The Edit Citation link launches the Citation editor which allows you to:

- preview your reference (and any modifications you make) in an output style of your choice

- modify how your citation will appear in-text or in a footnote by

When you make any changes using the Citation Editor, your temporary citation placeholder (the temporary citation used by RefWorks to read and format your paper) will appear like this:

Before using the Citation Editor:  

{{14578 Babcock, L.E. 1988; }}

After using the Citation Editor to add a page number and text:  

{{14578 Babcock, L.E. 1988/p text before / f text after; }}

When you use the Citation Editor, you will see some coding inserted in your temporary citation placeholder.  This coding (also called “switches”) tells RefWorks to do the action you specified.  This coding is removed when your paper is formatted.  Click here for detailed information on in-text switches.

Note:  Make sure you “save to Word” any changes you make using the Citation Editor.

To edit an existing temporary citation placeholder, in Word, place your cursor within the double curly brackets of the temporary citation placeholder you wish to modify.  The Edit Citation link will display in Write-N-Cite and you can make any edits you desire.  

Creating a Bibliography

Norton Internet Security Users:  If you have trouble generating a bibliography from within Write-N-Cite, check to make sure Write-N-Cite has "permission" to access the internet.  To do this:

Windows XP Firewall Users:  If you have trouble generating a bibliography from within Write-N-Cite, you will need to configure your firewall to allow Write-N-Cite as an exception.  Here's how:

See Also